Before you spend money on expensive organizers and storage solutions, think outside the box with what you already own.
Coffee Can = Bag Dispenser
Corral your plastic grocery bags by upcycling a coffee can into a handy bag dispenser. Using a utility knife, cut an X-shaped slit in the center of the lid. Cover the canister with colorful cardstock and decorate with stick-on letters. Roll plastic bags together in a tight circle (like a sleeping bag) and place them in the canister, threading the first bag through the slit.
Tin Cans = Kitchen Utensil Holders
Empty tin cans make ideal holders for kitchen utensils and gadgets. To free up counter space, use a drill bit to create a hole just below the rim on the back of each can, then hang each can from an S-hook on a towel bar. You can even decorate the cans with spray paint, washi tape and stickers.
Magazine File = Plastic Lid Organizer
Plastic food storage containers can easily take up an entire kitchen cabinet if you stack them with their lids on. Save space by storing the containers on a cabinet shelf and the lids in an old magazine file mounted on the cabinet door.
Magazine Rack = Pot Lid Holder
Get all those pot lids in line with a metal magazine rack. Just hang it inside a cabinet or on the back of a cabinet door and arrange the lids by size.
Loaf Pan = Baking Supply Holder
Small baking supplies like sprinkles, cupcake liners, food coloring bottles and piping tips can easily get lost in a pantry or kitchen cabinet. Corral these items in an old loaf pan — the next time you feel like baking, everything you need will be at your fingertips.
Magazine File = Produce Storage
Garlic and onions are best stored in a cool, dry, well-ventilated space. A metal mesh magazine file on a pantry shelf is the perfect solution. The open design lets the veggies breathe and allows you to easily see what produce you have on hand.
Spice Rack = Beauty Supply Storage
Spice shelves aren’t just for the kitchen. Grab a tiered spice rack and load it with beauty supplies under your bathroom sink.
Binder Ring = Hair Tie Holder
If you can never find a hair tie when you need one, keep them all in one convenient spot with a binder ring.
Kitchen Canisters = Hair Accessory Storage
For larger hair accessories like bows and scrunchies, kitchen canisters are a great storage solution. The clear containers make it easy to pinpoint exactly what you need when you're rushing to get ready.
Lazy Susan = Nail Polish Display
If you have a large nail polish collection, the spinning surface of a lazy Susan can help you easily locate your favorite shade in a crowded bathroom cabinet or closet. This display would even look good on a bathroom countertop or dresser. Organize the bottles by color for an extra-pretty touch.
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